Pyramid* is a math game!
It consists in guessing the column of numbers (starting from the one at the top of the pyramid and ending with a base number) whose sum is equal to the number Goal proposed.
You have to switch from one number to another adjacent in the next line: therefore, for each number selected in a row, there are only two options to choose the number in the next line.
The Levels of the pyramid can be chosen from 2 to 10. For each choice is offered a random distribution of the numbers in the pyramid and the total (Goal) to reach.
It's possible to:
* Fill the pyramid with new random numbers (Fill random button)
* Generate a new random Total (new Goal button)
* Manually choose the pyramid numbers and the Total Goal ( Fill ad hoc button)
* Let us suggest solutions, one at a time (Find a solution button)
* Know the number of all possible solutions (Counting solutions button)
There is always at least one solution, and the numbers in a row are always different from each other, except in the 10th row, in which a number is necessarily repeated. To ensure that these rules are also followed in manually constructed pyramids, you are guided through the introduction of the numbers, so to make it impossible any error.
* The first app built by Cosimo Laddomada (o' professore)